Cold hands, warm heart
Public events, such as charity fairs and campaigns aimed to protect children, let event planners give a boost to a good deed — helping children!
For the past five years, starting from December 1, 2015, the grand opening of the first annual New Year’s charity fair in Azerbaijan “Soyuq əllər, İsti ürək” has been held with the traditional organizational support of the Amapola Exclusive Events team.
“Cold Hands, Warm Heart” covers daily entertainment programs, meetings with characters of famous fairy tales, a lot of surprises for both adults and children, creating a true Christmas atmosphere, where everyone can buy the New Year gifts for relatives and friends, and thereby help a great number of children in need.
Every year fair conveys the true charm of the spirit of Christmas and New Year’s magic night with its inherent colors, flavors, traditional sweets, and symbols!
We are happy to take an active part in cultivating kindness and goodness!