Holiday for the little ones: where to start?
On any holiday it is important to create a suitable atmosphere. But children 1-3 years are strongly dependent on the emotions of parents and in the company of nervous and clamped adults simply can not have fun. So think not only about what children to invite, but also what moms, dads, grandmothers will come with them. Answer to questions: are they nice to you, is it interesting to communicate with them, do you understand each other.
Number of guests should not be too much.
Actually a children’s holiday can be done even for two children. But since children sometimes get sick, and the end of the year is usually saturated with force majeure situations, there is a danger that the only one guest will not come. Therefore it is better to invite 3-4 kids. And do it in advance, at least a week.
Do not invent complicated games and scenery. And do not hesitate to ask guests for help. Create a merry holiday together and among the people involved in the common cause, you feel more comfortable than among critically-minded passive spectators.
The ideal place for a holiday is a large spacious room, in which there are no toys and extra things. So children will be less distracted and will not have to divide toys between them. However, the absence of such a room is not a reason to refuse to hold a holiday. Try to maximize space, remove at least some of the toys, especially your child’s favorite toys.
If possible – in another room, organize a “quiet corner”. There are children who need a respite from time to time: someone needs to sit in silence, someone just to be alone. In this corner, moms will be able to comfort a frustrated baby and calm a fighter. There should be little toys, and it’s better if they are made of natural materials, suggesting quiet, measured occupations.
Сhose a right time so no one would like to eat or sleep. It is advisable to consult with other parents. And immediately warn how long the holiday will last (hour and a half, not longer). Then it may happen that after this period children will still play peacefully. Nevertheless, it is better to finish the holiday on this joyful note than to wait for the hysterics of tired guests.
Do not make a permanent holiday musical background, it makes a lot of guests tired. Soft children’s songs or melodies can be included during the games suitable for this.
You need food, but quite simply: cookies, sliced fruit, compote. Well, if one of the parents takes it all to beautifully serve, make of the food figurines or pictures. But the leader of the holiday is not worth spending time for this.
It’s nice when pictures remain after the holiday. But this is not a presenter ‘s job, let someone else be a photographer.
Children’s holiday scenario: what to do?
If for the older children you have to invent something new and unexpected all the time, little kids need just the usual, worked-out, favorite games. Warn other parents what games will be on the holiday, let them be at home between the games, some games will rehearse. One person should lead a holiday, so it will be easier for children to get used to. But the facilitator needs helpers so there will be no technical pauses, and each child receives a quick response to his needs.
It seems to us, it is not necessary to invent a single scenario for the baby holiday. To the inexperienced leader this kind of scenario will prevent to be flexible, to react quickly to external circumstances. But it is good to combine all games and tasks with a single theme, for example: “winter fun” or “animals in winter”.
Do not use too many tasks in game, you will also need to alternate active and quiet games. Here is an approximate structure of the holiday for three-year-olds, for younger children this list should be shortened:
1. Round dance, finger games in a circle.
2. Theatrical action.
3. Active games (1-3 games and several games in stock).
4. A game that helps children calm down, concentrate.
5. Creative activity.
6. Active, fun activity.
7. Farewell dance
Do not force children to participate in something and do not persuade. Someone will join later, and some babies are quite comfortable watching the others. There are different ways to enjoy the holiday, do not try to make all the children to do the same. If child wants to perform the task in his own way – let him perform (provided that it does not interfere with others). If the game does not like everyone – suggest another. And if the children came up with their game – support it.
Games for children’s holiday
It’s very simple to invent a games for kids. Almost any of their favorite pastimes can be turned into a game. We will give a few examples, maybe it will inspire you.
In the dance you can walk in a circle – roll balls for a snowman. First big – go as far as possible. Then the average is to get closer. And then small – to get together in a tight circle. It is also good to repeat in a circle some actions for the host, for example, to depict how different animals walk. And if there is a Christmas tree – do not forget to dance around it at the end.
You can organize a play for children, puppet play is a better decision, because not all kids like when their parents transform into someone. Also you can do a play with children, then it may be a dramatic play. Presentation – the presenter reads the text, the children act as they want.
Any different activity goes well with kids. For example, if an adult shows a rabbit toy – children will enjoy it with an imaginary carrot, and shake and pat. They can pour imaginary (or even real) seeds for birds. Kids are infinitely ready to feed others or eat the toy food themselves. All this can be used on the holiday.
Active games usually require some rules.
* Offer to kids fly and whirl like snowflakes. You can still cut pieces of tissue paper and throw it like snow.
* Lay out soft toys around the room in advance. Ask children to find them and invite them to the tree.
* Invite kids to crumble snowballs from wrapping paper and first throw them somewhere, and then collect and fold them into a bag.
* Spread a piece of paper or a narrow scarf, and let the children walk along this path between the snowdrifts. And at the end of the way, collect a pile of pillows so children can fall into a snowdrift.
* If the floor is slippery enough – put the children on the rug or blanket and pulling at its end, roll around the room “on the sled.”
After active games, some children find it very difficult to stop and calm down. For this, we advice to use special games, alternating tension and relaxation.
* Winter version of freeze-melt game: children-rabbits run and jump until the presenter warns “Fox!” (It’s the fox, the wolf some kids are afraid of). Then the hares must squat and freeze. So repeat 3-4 times.
* A similar game – children are jumping, and when presenter cry “Frost!” kids should run into their mother’s embrace. It is important to hug the baby tightly.
* Another game suitable for children three years or older. There are alternating teams “Hot” – the children slowly and smoothly walk, and “Cold” – the children jump and tremble.
At each holiday we are making crafts, which children then take home. Any other creative activity is also suitable, the main thing is that it lasts no more than 10 minutes, it allows kid to create something and does not leave dirt and strong disorder after playing.
Another very important point is that after the holiday, children should have time to play with the props, feed the plum rabbit independently, draw a felt-tip pen, and just walk around the room. At least 10-15 minutes children should be left to themselves.
How to end a holiday?
The holiday ends, fatigue accumulates and the last straw becomes the need to go home. How can you do without a lot of voice hysteria? Promise a prize to every guest who goes home. It can be something simple and attractive (balloons, soap bubbles) or a thoughtful gift. But be careful all children should have the same gifts.
When guests left don’t immediately start to analyze your mistakes. It’s useful to do but a little later. Remember all the good things as a delight, surprise, laughter. For this, it was worth organizing a holiday.