Happy New Year! 2021!

In some magical and inexplicable way, on the New Year, all the mechanisms of the universe interact, where that very fragile line between our past and future becomes clearly palpable.

It seems that it is about to be crossed here and now, just by taking one step.
The heart is filled with the expectation of magic, and it certainly happens.

Maybe this is the very “launch” of faith in the beginning of a new life, good changes and pleasant turns in Destiny? Maybe this is the very unprecedented miracle that awakens in us children who, waking up in the morning, run to the tree to see what kind Santa Claus brought us this year?

Smells of tangerines, favorite old movies, shine of garlands and Christmas tree decorations, bubbles of champagne with a handful of ashes burnt out of a wish. This is how we imagine the New Year celebration …
But in fact, everything is much deeper …
New Year is a feeling of security, it is the belief that the best is yet to come! This is Love, Care, Trust and Comfort!

Yes, we definitely want to play snowballs with friends, eat snow and not think about getting sick.
But … The Coming Bull appreciates people with a strong character and strong nerves!

Just think – 2020 is going down in history …
It won’t happen again. Is that in our memory … Therefore, let us, together, seeing him off, say to all the words of special gratitude for hard work, perseverance and optimism! For everything that we have managed to do as one big family!

The year 2020 did not give us snow, adding masks and thrill to our lives, but enriching us with experience. It brought a lot of trials and became a milestone year, in the course of which a huge joint work was done, which determined the fate of our country in history. We were able to squeeze the maximum out of this year and give it a proud name – Victory!

Isn’t this an indicator of our hardenedness in the face of any difficulties?

We worked hard and honestly. We provided and laid an effective, reliable foundation for further development and a number of favorable changes.

Evaluating the outgoing year, we can say with confidence that for the people of Azerbaijan it has become an interesting new page in the annals of its development.

It was rich and varied. Complex and bright at the same time. He made us pay more attention to our loved ones and united a whole nation. He grieved us and made us happy.

We have something to reproach him for, but we also have something to thank him for!

It is now that the very moment comes where our Faith begins.

Standing on the threshold of the New Year 2021, from all our huge hearts, we want to convey to you that love and that warmth that gives each of our team, working with you and for you!

A magical holiday is coming, after which a new page of life opens for all of us!

We thank you for your presence, for your participation and for you personally!

We wish that the New Year will bring not only #healthhappinessluck, but also confidence in the future! So that each area of ​​our lives with you was a full bowl of energy and quench the thirst for new achievements!

We are sincerely glad to have you!

Happy New Year! Let it be especially wonderful!

Never stop believing in a miracle!

With Love, your Amapola Exclusive Events!