Exhibitions and fairs – great international platforms

Exhibitions and fairs are platforms used to demonstrate achievements in economics, science, technology, culture, art, and other parts of public life.

In contrast with exhibitions, fairs are held at a certain time of the year, in a certain place, and for a certain period of time. They are most basically market-oriented activities and their main purpose is sales of products.

Exhibitions, in turn, are intended for a public demonstration of certain achievements. They have both educational, and commercial nature.

In short, fairs and exhibitions are a perfect marketing tool used to promote products and stimulate sales growth. Companies get an opportunity to show their products to the target audience, build trade relations, and collect more information about competitors.

The main objectives of the exhibition and fair events:

  • progression in the number of customers
  • presentation of a new product/ service
  • testing new products and comparing them with existing ones on the market
  • Search for points of sale and intermediaries
  • conclusion of supply contracts

The organization of exhibitions and fairs requires the engagement of professionals.

Amapola Exclusive Events Company offers its services in carrying out exhibitions and fairs. We are well experienced in planning and managing this type of event.

Under our belt, we have the charity fairs – “Soyuq əllər, isti ürək” and “Torpaq əlimdə, bahar ürəyimdə”, as well as private exhibitions.